Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Add exercise to boost weight loss

Eating properly is critical to weight loss and improving your health, but it shouldn?t be your only focus.

Physical activity also is vital to weight loss and maintenance. However, many people aren?t moving enough or with enough intensity to create a difference.

The objective is to counter the number of calories you consume with the amount you burn. For some people that means a very low calorie diet may not lead to weight loss, especially if activity levels are extremely low.??Also, once the desired weight is lost, physical activity is the best way to help keep those pounds away. ??

So how much do you have to move to get to your weight loss or weight maintenance goals?

Sixteen ounces of weight is equivalent to 3,500 calories. To achieve a deficit of 3,500 calories in one week (and thus a 1-pound weight loss), you must burn 500 more calories than you take in each day. A brisk walk (13 minutes per mile) for 60 minutes will burn about 500 calories. So if you do that every day of the week without increasing calories, you?ll probably lose a pound a week.??

A common exercise recommendation is 20 minutes of moderate activity five days a week. But research has shown that this isn?t enough for those seeking to lose and maintain weight. This recommendation is primarily for cardiovascular health.??

If you are seeking weight loss, activity levels need to reach moderate levels of intensity for 45 to 60 minutes six days per week. The recommendation is identical for those striving to maintain weight loss.??If you like to walk or seeking to include your daily activities in your overall movement plan, step tracking might be a beneficial tool. Wear a pedometer that is configured to track steps only. Aim for a weekly average of 10,000 steps each day.

High Tech tools such as BodyMedia Fit, FitBit and Fuel Band can help you keep daily track of both steps and calories burned. These also integrate caloric intake in real-time.??Not that committed to a high-tech tool? Try SenseWear.

SenseWear gives a six-day look at the number of calories you expend, the number of steps taken, along with intensity and duration of activity. After your evaluation, our team at Draelos Metabolic Center can help guide you to setting realistic goals for boosting your weight loss efforts.??

It is easy to underestimate ?calories in? and overestimate ?calories out.? SenseWear helps provide a realistic view of your dietary and activity habits. It can also give insights into how well you are achieving activity goals.

SenseWear is especially helpful when someone has reached a plateau or is not getting the desired results from their weight loss program.??

We?ve worked with many clients who really believed their activity level was adequate prior to utilizing SenseWear. With SenseWear, they are often astonished to find that actually they are averaging fewer than 3,000 steps daily and the number of calories expended from activity is less than 100 calories daily. At that rate, it would take almost 12 weeks to lose just a pound.

About the Author

The Draelos Metabolic Center, serving Edmond and Oklahoma City is your premier Oklahoma Medical Center specializing in all endocrine issues, particularly in weight loss programs and long-term weight management. Dr. Matthew Draelos and his highly trained team of healthcare professionals have devised comprehensive, physician-guided weight management strategies designed to help you achieve and maintain your goal weight. We understand that weight management is a highly personal issue.

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